Pastor Robert states at the outset of the book, "On the pages that follow, I hope to reveal why I think we've experienced the blessings we have" (pg. 5). The Blessed Church goes on to tell the story of how Gateway Church has grown and developed over the years and the principles the church has employed to facilitate that growth in a healthy and God honoring manner. One of the things that makes the book a "blessed" book is that the author does not exalt Gateway as the model of perfection. He uses it a an example of what God can do through anyone who is open to allowing Him the liberty to be at the head of the 'leadership chart'.
How does he tell the story? He divides the book into six sections. The first begins with the Gateway story, but the remaining five sections outline the major areas that have encompassed the principles that Pastor Robert emphasizes have been so vital to the growth of Gateway Church. These sections include Blessed Vision, Shepherds, Leaders, Government and Church Culture. Each section has chapters that detail the principles behind the processes. And in relating the stories which illustrate the timeless truths the author wishes to impart, he paints a picture of how blessed a church can become by pursuing the God who blesses abundantly.
The book is primarily geared to church Pastors and leaders, so some may think that the book's material does not apply to them. However, Biblical truths about vision and leadership can apply in all arenas of life, from our jobs, to our family and to serving in a local church. I don't believe you'll be disappointed to learn more from this seasoned minister of God. And as a special feature, for those who want some "action points", throughout the book are spread 'keys to a blessed church', which are points of emphasis to help you remember some of the main points each chapter addresses.
In the conclusion, Pastor Robert writes "I wanted to present to you, in all humility and gratitude, the principles, purposes and passions that have driven our decisions since founding Gateway Church back in the year 2000" (pg. 201). You succeeded Pastor Robert and have delivered a balanced and detailed account of the blessing of God that rests on one church, but is available to any church who will follow the leader and the principles God has designed for the local church. I received this book for free from "Water Brook/Multnomah Publishing Group" for this review. I am thankful I had the privilege of reading it. You may read an excerpt of the first chapter at Read Chapter 1 .