Friday, November 15, 2013

Let Hope In by Pete Wilson

         When trouble or tragedy strikes our life, it can be easy to lose hope. Many people, Christian and non-Christian alike fit that description. And, whether it's because of repeated loss and failure, circumstances that seem overwhelming, or not knowing where to turn for help, it can sometimes feel like hope is gone. Author Pete Wilson knows this, and his book Let Hope In is an encouragement that things can get better, you can have hope again and you can know how loved you are, but you have to make the choice to let hope in.
         Pete Wilson is the founding Pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee, where he has served as the Senior Pastor for several years. Using the scripture and stories from his own life and others with whom he has interacted over the years, he shows both how we can feel like hope is gone and hoe we can let it back into our lives again. The four choices that will change your life, from the subtitle, are choosing to transform instead of transfer, choosing to be ok with not being ok, choosing to trust rather than please and choosing to free people rather than hurt them.
         The subject of hope is very important, and one that we all wrestle with at times, even if not chronically. So, I commend the author for addressing an important topic. However, I did not find the book to have engaged me as much as I would have desired. I found it to be strong on illustrations but not as strong on scripture. While stories make the material more personal, it is only God's Word that can offer us true hope. Jesus is our hope. This book does tell us that, but only in ways that are underemphasized to me. Still, it is an important topic and if you need hope, you may find a few keys inside,
         I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program for bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. The views expressed are my own. You will probably find yourself needing hope sometime in the future. Don't choose to give up. Choose to let hope in and allow Jesus to transform your life. 

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